- Chung HY, Chan CYY, Tsang HHL, et al. The socio-economic impacts on household income, employment status, need for public assistance, and marriage opportunities in patients with Spondyloarthritis: A comparison with the Hong Kong population. Hong King Bull Rheum Dis 2013: 13: 39-46.
- Chan CYY, Tsang HHL, Lau CS, et al. Prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders and validation of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale as a screening tool in Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients. Int J Rhuem Dis. 2017 Mar; 20(3): 317-325.
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- Chan SCW, Li PH, Lee KH, Tsang HHL, Lau CS, Chung HY. Diagnostic utility of whole spine and thoracic spine MRI corner inflammatory lesions in axial spondyloarthritis. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2020;24;12:1759720X20973922.
- Chung HY, Yiu RSW, Chan SCW, Lee KH, Lau CS. Fatty corner lesions in T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging as an alternative to sacroiliitis for diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis. BMC Rheumatol. 2019;3:17.
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MRI SIG publications:
- Chung HY*, Xu X, Lau V, Ho G, Lee KL, Li P, Tsang H, Kwok SK, Lau CS, Wong CS. Comparing diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) with clinical and blood
parameters, and with short tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequence in detecting spinal
and sacroiliac (SI) joint inflammation in axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Clin Exp
Rheumatol, 2017 Mar-Apr; 35(2):262-269.
- Chan CWS, Tsang HHL, Li PH, Lee KH, Lau CS, Wong PYS, Chung HY^.
Diffusion-weighted imaging versus short tau inversion recovery sequence: Usefulness
in detection of active sacroiliitis and early diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis. PLoS
one. 2018 Aug 7; 13(8).
- Lee KH, Chung HY^, Xu X, Lau VWH, Lau CS. Apparent diffusion coefficient as
an imaging biomarker for spinal disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis. Radiology.
2019; Apr; 291(1): 121-128
- PH Li, HY Chung*^, CS Wong, HHL Tsang, VWH Lau, G Ho, X Xu, CS Lau, KY
Ma. The association between age and clinical and radiological activity in axial
spondyloarthritis. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology, 1-8.
- Chung HY*, Yiu RSW, Chan SCW, Lee KH, Lau CS. Fatty corner lesions in T1-
weighted magnetic resonance imaging as an alternative to sacroiliitis for diagnosis of
axial spondyloarthritis. BMC Rheumatol. 2019 May 30; 3:17.
- Chung HY*^, Chui ETF, Lee KH, Tsang HHL, Chan SCW, Lau CS. ASDAS is
associated with both the extent and intensity of DW-MRI spinal inflammation in
active axial spondyloarthritis. RMD Open. 2019 Aug 6; 5(2): e001008.
- Huang JX, Chung HY*^, Chui ETF, Lee KH, Chan SCW, Tsang HHL, Ng AHY.
Intensity of spinal inflammation is associated with radiological structural damage in
patients with active axial spondyloarthritis. Rheumatol Adv Pract 2019; 18;4(1),
- Chui ETF, Tsang HHL, Lee KH, Lau CS, Wong CH, Chung HY^. MRI
inflammation of facet and costovertebral joints is associated with restricted spinal
mobility and worsened functional status. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020;1;59(9):2591-
- Chan SCW, Li PH, Lee KH, Tsang HHL, Lau CS, Chung HY^. Diagnostic utility of
whole spine and thoracic spine MRI corner inflammatory lesions in axial
spondyloarthritis. Ther Adv Musculoskeletal Dis. 2020;24;12:1759720X20973922.
- Li PH, Chung HY, Lau CS. Epidemiology and outcomes of geriatric and non-
geriatric patients with drug allergy labels in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J.
- Chung HY*, Chan SCW, Lee KH, Tsang HL, Ng LL, Lau CS. Both ASDAS and
ADC are associated with spinal mobility in active axial spodyloarthritis: a comparison
between early and later disease. Int J Rheum Dis. 2002 Jan 12.
- HY Chung*, PCH Wong, KH Lee, NCO Ciang, SPY Wong, P Cao, SCW Chan,
VWH Lau, BA Lo, RKL Lee, Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology. MRI in axial
spondyloarthritis: position statements from the Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology.
Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology. 2022;1-7.
- Lin KYY, Peng C, Lee KH, Chan SCW, Chung HY^. Deep learning algorithms for
magnetic resonance imaging of inflammatory sacroiliitis in axial spondyloarthritis.
Rheumatology(Oxford). 2022 Feb 1:keac059.
- Lin KYY, Cao P, Lee KH, Chan SCW, Chung HY^. Comment on: deep learning
algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging of inflammatory sacroiliitis in axial
spondyloarthritis: reply. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Apr 13:keac216.
MRI SIG awards:
- 2018-APLAR-Celltrion Best Abstract Award: Fatty corner lesions in T1-weighted
magnetic resonance imaging as an alternative to sacroiliitis for diagnosis of axial
- 2021-APLAR-Celltrion Best Abstract Award: MRI lesions in SpA. A comparison
with non-inflammatory back pain using propensity score adjustment method.
- ICCR outstanding free paper award bronze prize: deep learning algorithms for
magnetic resonance imaging of inflammatory sacroiliitis in axial
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